Add the Home Assistant Community Store to Home Assistant

The Home Assistant Community Store or HACS as it is known as is an awesome custom component that opens a whole another level of Home Assistant add-ons. If you are using Home Assistant at some point you are going to want something that can be installed via HACS!
Getting HACS installed so you can start using the integrations, themes, and Lovelace cards is pretty easy, but it does require having access to the shell on your Home Assistant instance. But don’t worry, I walk you through all of it.
You may be wondering why I am choosing to do a video on HACS now when there have been a lot of them on Youtube recently. That is easy to answer.
A few weeks ago I started on a Smart Home Tour video of my audible notifications. But as I was working on it, the information that needed to be included just got big enough to warrant three separate videos. This is actually part 1 of the 3 videos I have planned. So if you are interested in seeing how I leverage audible notifications we first need to set the foundation. So before we can get to how I leverage audible notifications we are going to need some integrations from HACS, so lets get it installed: